晓兮怀疑自己听错了,她努力掩饰心中的惊讶:“A joke?Joke?(一个笑话)”
Johnny挑了下眉毛,略有严肃地说:“Yeah, tell me a joke and it has to be related to options.(是的,告诉我一个笑话,必须跟期权有关)”
这个真是出乎意料,晓兮只好说:“Please give me some time to think about this.(请给我点时间想想)”
然后她开始绞劲脑汁地想,想了一会儿,还是想不出来, Johnny看了一下表说:“It is okay if you could not think of any. We are not in the right place.(算了吧,想不出来也没关系)”
晓兮突然之间来了灵感,她说道:“I have one, I have one. When I just came to the university, I found a class called options and futures in the curriculum. I thought it is a philosophical class about what options you have and how they will influence your futures. It turns out to be a class about financial products.(我想出来了一个,想出来了。刚来大学的时候,发现课程里有一门课叫期权和期货。我认为这是一门关于你有哪些选择,option,以及它们将如何影响你的未来,future,的哲学课。后来才发现这是一门关于金融产品的课)”
这件囧事晓兮还没有跟别人提起过,她觉得很好笑,但是Johnny并没有笑,说道:“Well, you know, it is not a joke to certain extent. Your future may be related to options.(这或许不是一个笑话,你的未来可能真跟期权有关)”
他看了一眼桌子上的另一张简历,“I can only choose one today. So, do you think I should choose you or Alice Ai?(我今天只能选择一个。所以,你觉得我应该选你还是另一个爱丽丝)”
艾心怡的能力强是公认的,她学习成绩顶尖,在学生会中担任领导职位,曾在著名咨询公司麦肯思做过暑期实习。但是晓兮知道现在不是显露自己弱点和不自信的时候,但她也不好直接说对方的不好,她说道:“Both of us are very good students.(我们俩都挺好的)”
Johnny不耐烦地说道:“I know that. That is why you made to the interview. You or her?(我知道,可我只能选择一个人,你还是她)”
晓兮说道:“Me. I think you should choose me.(你应该选择我)“
还没等到她解释原因,Johnny就说道:“Why? The other Alice did a summer internship in Mckenze. I am very impressed. And you just did a research project with Dr. Zhou. I don’t even know who he is?(为什么?另一个 Alice在 Mckenze暑期实习。给我留下了非常深刻的印象。你和周博士做了一个研究项目。我不知道他是谁)”
Johnny的话可以算是讽刺,也可以算是合理的质疑,毕竟麦肯思是那么有名的公司,周教授却是个刚毕业的还没有任何名气的助理教授。晓兮努力保持冷静,说道:“Dr. Zhou is a very talented young professor. He graduated from the famous economics school UC Berkeley. He was writing a paper on exchange rate forecasting. I helped him gather and clean massive amount of FX data, and used Matlab to test his new methods. From this project, I got a very good understanding of FX market and products which will be very helpful for my summer internship in HSC.(周博士是一位很有才华的年轻教授。毕业于著名经济学院加州大学伯克利分校。他正在写一篇关于汇率预测的论文。我帮助他收集和清理了大量的外汇数据,并使用 Matlab来测试他的新方法。通过这个项目,我对外汇市场和产品有了很好的了解,这对我在HSC的暑期实习很有帮助)“
晓兮以为Johnny会继续质疑,没想到他却没有,他说道:“I got your point. Now it is your turn to ask me questions. We are already running out of time so you only have the chance to ask one question.(我明白你的意思了。现在轮到你问我问题了。我们已经没有时间了,所以你只有机会问一个问题)”
晓兮准备了好几个问题,她刚准备说,Johnny又加重语气道:“ Please take a few seconds to think about it, please don’t ask me stupid questions that you can get the answers from HR.(请花几秒钟考虑一下,请不要问我可以从 HR那里得到答案的愚蠢问题)”
这次打断反而让晓兮灵机一现,她觉得最有意义的问题就是关于人民币升值的问题,还可以呼应她的研究课题,显示出她对于汇率的了解。于是她问道:“I have a question about RMB. RMB has appreciated a lot in the past few years. Do you think it is good or bad for our economy? Do you think it will continue to appreciate?(我有一个关于人民币的问题。人民币这几年升值了很多。您认为这对我们的经济是好是坏?你认为它会继续升值吗)”
Johnny并没有回答,反而反问道:“you did an FX project with this talented Prof.Zhang. You should tell me the answer.(你不是和这位才华横溢的张教授做了一个外汇项目吗。你应该告诉我答案)”
晓兮没想到他会用自己的原话反问自己,心里十分尴尬,但还是故作镇静,用张教授的原话回答道:“It is short term pain for long term gain.(长痛不如短痛)”
Johnny忽然态度好了起来,说道:“I agree with you. It is very painful for some exporters in the short term. However, in the long term, it is good. We made a lot of money by making stuff like t-shirts, but keep doing so won’t lead us to anywhere. We have to go through structural reform and RMB appreciation would help that. I think RMB will continue to appreciate because, a, there is strong international pressure for it, b, China has very high growth and money is flowing into China.(我同意你的看法。短期内对一些出口商来说是非常痛苦的。但是,从长远来看,这是好的。我们通过制作 T恤之类的东西赚了很多钱,但继续这样做不会把我们带到任何地方。我们必须进行结构性改革,而人民币升值将有助于实现这一目标。我认为人民币会继续升值,因为,a,国际压力很大,b,中国经济增长非常快,资金正在流入中国)”
Johnny站了起来,说道:“I guess that’s it. Thanks for your time.(就到这里了,谢谢你)”
晓兮还准备接个话显示一下自己汇率相关知识,没想到这就完了,也只好站起来说道:“Thank you for interviewing me.(谢谢你面试我)”
Johnny说话间就往门口走去,晓兮也跟了过去,Johnny打开门说道:“HR will follow up with you in the next week or two.(HR在接下来一两周会联系你)”
这就结束了,晓兮说道,“Okay, thank you.”
然后她就准备出门,没想到Johnny又问道:“Do you have interviews with other banks this week?(你有其它投行面试吗)”
晓兮略有些遗憾地说道:“No, this is the only interview I have,(我只有这一个)”她强装镇定看着Johnny,” I really hope that I can have the opportunity to work with you in the summer.(我十分希望得到这次机会)”
Johnny伸出手说道:“Good luck!(祝你好运)”
晓兮握了握他的手,说道:“Thank you again for your time.(再次谢谢你)”